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WE simply charge by the hour

Our Fees Are Easy to Understand

 All that we DO:

  • Charge by the hour for the amount of time that you need. 
  • Provide all the same services as other fee-only firms.

What we DON'T DO:

  • Charge an annual percentage of our clients' investments (Typically called AUM - "Assets Under Management")
  • Receive a commission or other benefits based on what you invest in or what insurance policies you decide on.

To help you estimate the cost of your financial plan please review the levels below and then refer to the chart.

Level One

  • You would like to start planning for retirement.
  • You have started saving in a 401(k), an IRA or other workplace retirement account.
  • You could use a cash flow analysis to better understand where you are spending your money and how you can be saving more.
  • You are considering how best to begin saving for your kids' college.
  • You would like advice on whether you have any gaps in your insurance coverage
  • You'd like to have some guidance on estate planning and beneficiary designations on your retirement accounts
  • You'd like to see if you are taking advantage of all the tax savings opportunities available to you.

Level Two

  • The Level One topics but with higher complexity and...
  • You are approaching retirement.
  • You have accumulated a moderate amount of investments.
  • You need advice steps to prepare for retirement.
  • You have existing and possibly dated insurance policies that need to be reanalyzed.
  • You have existing estate planning documents which may need to be updated.

Level Three

  • The Level Two topics but with more complexity and...
  • You may have received an inheritance or windfall
  • You own a business that has several employees
  • You own multiple rental properties
  • You've have employer stock options or RSUs

Level Four

  • The Level Three topics but with higher complexity and possibly...
  • You own a larger business with many employees
  • You have accumulated a large and sophisticated investment portfolio
  • You have a large estate
  • Stock options or RSUs make up a large portion of your net worth

See where you fit into the chart below:

Hourly Rate:
Estimated Time:10-20 hours12-25 hours15-30 hours25-40+ hours
Typical Cost:$3,500 -7,000 $4,200 -$8,800 $5,250 - 12,250$8,750 - $14,000+