Why Financial Planning for Business Owners is Unique
Business owners are a different breed.
While the average person is socking money away in their 401(k), the business owner has instead chosen to reinvest in their business. They believe their business offers the best rate of return for them. That's because they trust more in their own ability to increase their wealth through their business and hard work than through the stock market.
Therefore, its very common that most of their net worth is tied up in their business and very little is invested outside of it.
As a result, it takes a very specific kind of financial planner to help them. The typical financial advisor is looking for high net worth clients who have a large investment portfolio that they can manage. Commonly, they are not even interested in someone with less than $1,000,000 in investments.
Enter the financial planner that specializes in business owners. This kind of planner charges a fee for their advice rather than a management fee on the investment assets. They will consult on how to transition their business so that it can provide the ideal retirement for them.
Look for these specialist financial planners/consultants who commonly have both the Certified Financial Planners™ (CFP®) and Certified Exit Planning Advisors (CEPA®) designations.
For more information find us at: https://www.crossroadsadvisory.com